woensdag, november 14, 2012

Outfit | I'm a good girl

Hi lovelies!
Today I only had school till 13:10 so I decided to make some pictures for an outfit of the day! I'm sorry that my photo's aren't the best quality, but I don't have a good camera! I use my mum's samsung camera cause I broke my own camera a while ago. But I hope I can buy a good camera soon!
Click for more if you want to see more pictures of my outfit!

Bordeaux red jumper: H&M (it's actually my sisters jumper hehe)
Blue/denim blouse: C&A i guess, I bought it like two years ago but still like it!
Black jeans: H&M
Black basic shirt: H&M
Ring: Nelly.com
Black bracelet: Help For Heroes
Pink bracelet: got it as a present from my stepmom
Shoes: Salsa 

Do you like my outfit? Do you want an outfit of the day more often? Tell me!

A lot of kisses,
Tessa ♥

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Prachtige outfit, jammer dat je nog geen bloglovin hebt anders was ik je zeker gaan volgen!

    1. ahh dankje! En ik zit er over na te denken om een bloglovin te maken maar ik moet nog even uitzoeken hoe dat werkt enzo! :D

  2. Erg leuke outfit!

