woensdag, oktober 31, 2012
My life in pictures | Autumn break
Hii ♥
My autunm break is already over for 3 days ): But in my vacation I made some picture's with my phone from things I did during my break! So enjoy this my life in picture's (:
zaterdag, oktober 27, 2012
vrijdag, oktober 26, 2012
Today I'm going to tell you about the things I like and hate about fall. I think I'm also going to do this with winter, spring and summer, but we'll see that later! I really hate fall, but there are also things that i like about the fall.
donderdag, oktober 25, 2012
20 Day Celebrity Photo Challenge | Day 3: A photo of the celebrity you would turn gay/lesbian for.
I just think she's so pretty. Her face is very beautiful and I love her hair. I'm not a fan of her or something, but I just like her and think she's pretty! That's all!
Lots of love,
Tessa ♥
zaterdag, oktober 20, 2012
Make-up | Rainbow eyeshadow
I saw this really cool picture of someone with rainbow eyeshadow and I decided to try to make it too! It's not as beautiful as I hoped it would be, but I like it.
Blogging through my phone!
Hi guys!
So I just found out that I can also blog with my phone! I really didn't know that, it's amazing! So I'm basicly I'm still in bed now and blogging through my phone :)
My autumnbreak started today! A week no school, it's lovely. Unfortunately my testweek starts after the vacation and since my grades weren't that good last year, I have to study really hard in my vacation :( But I also planned to do fun things this week! And I'm just happy that I can rest out a bit cause I'm exhausted from school!
I also might do a 'my life in pictures' this vacation, but I don't know yet. But I'm sure there going to be a lot of blogposts this week, prepare!
So yeah, that was everything I had to say! I thing I'm going to get some breakfast now cause I'm very hugry haha.
Enjoy your weekend!
Lots of love,
donderdag, oktober 18, 2012
20 Day Celebrity Photo Challenge | Day 2: A photo of celebrity you would marry if you were given the chance.
maandag, oktober 15, 2012
I just feel so tired lately. I'm so busy with school and i'm just exhausted. That's why I don't post that much, I just feel tired and down and I don't feel like making posts and stuff. But next week I have holidays, so then I have enough time (actually not since school planned my testweek after the holidays so I have to study -__- )
But I just wanted to tell you the reason for why I won't be posting much this week. I'm very sorry!
Lots of love,
vrijdag, oktober 12, 2012
20 Day Celebrity Photo Challenge | Day 1: A photo of your favorite band.
I saw this challange on some other blogs, so I decided to do it too! You actually post a photo everyday, but I don't think I have time for that so I'm gonna post a photo for this challange every week on thursday or friday. There are 20 'challenges' for 20 days and on everyday you have to post a photo of a celebrity.
So this is day 1: A photo of your favorite band
zondag, oktober 07, 2012
vrijdag, oktober 05, 2012
Eye Candy
Today i'll show you my celebrity (boy/man) crushes. And I've got a lot! So enjoy this eyecandy!
Harry Styles
dinsdag, oktober 02, 2012
maandag, oktober 01, 2012
i Am Tessa
Welcome to my blog!
I am Tessa. I'm a 15 years old girl from a very small country called Holland. I had a blog before, but google has removed that one ): So I decided to make a new one!
I love writing, reading, fasion, shopping, acting like an idiot, tumblr, weheartit, blogging, having fun, food, drawing, singing, my friends, dancing, laughing, watching movies and series, making jokes and a lot of other stuff!
On this blog I'll be posting random stuff about my life and just posts about things I like/hate. I hope you'll like it and thanks for visiting my blog!
I love you.
Big kisses,